Why every astrologer needs an astrologer. The community makes us stronger.

Astrology podcastWe are navigating from the age of information to the age of intelligence.Artificial or not, it's still intelligence. At the moment, many of us are going through a lot of transformation and phases of growth, which are placing us on different trajectories, both in our personal and professional lives. I see this ...

Written in the stars: New Moon in Gemini, Saturn Rx and the advent of the Summer Solstice

What a powerful couple of days ahead of us! The energy shift is quite significant, as we are both welcoming a New Moon in airy Gemini, watching Saturn retrograde in Pisces for the first time in the past 30 years and preparing to navigate through the watery season of Cancer ...

When in Portugal…creativity flourishes and mind opens to new ideas, connections, possibilities.

This upcoming week, April 23rd to April 30th, I am returning with heart open and mind ready to be bend to Lisbon, Portugal. I haven't been in this energy for sometime now (2008) and I am extremely curious to see how the place has changed, evolved, reimagined itself.My hopes and enthusiasm for new professional beginnings, as ...


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